Ocicat & Classic Society Membership
Welcome to the Aztec & Ocicat Society membership page,
The Ocicat & Classic Society is an exciting and friendly club open to all breeders, exhibitors owners and friends of Ocicats and Ocicat Classics throughout the United Kingdom and overseas. We promote the welfare and love of pedigree Aztecs and Ocicats.
To become a member please download and complete a Membership Form then send it to our Membership Secretary. Or contact her here.
You will need a proposer and Seconder the Committee can help with this. (All applications must be approved by the Committee.)
Membership fees are due 1st January every year. If you joined between 1st October and 31st December, you are considered to be paid up for the immediately following calendar year.
Breeder, Kitten, and Stud Lists
Members can advertise their Ocicat and/or Ocicat Classic cattery and litters on our website; if you would like to take advantage of the service, please contact our WebMaster.
Members Area
The following pages are for Ocicat & Classic Society members only and access is password protected.
The password has been changed. If you are a member and do not have the new password please contact the membership secretary.